I Support my Sponsors

It is important to me to create a mutually beneficial relationship with my sponsors. I have requested sponsorship from, or have been invited by, these specific sponsors because I believe in their products. I appreciate their support of triathletes and the sport of triathlon.

I value and protect the image of the brands by building a good image for the product during all events where I participate and during all training sessions. I believe I can be a powerful representative of these products at local and national events, both in interacting with other professional and amateur athletes, as well as spectators.

2011-2012 season sponsorship deals will include a mix of product, race support, and gear in return for branding my race uniform, speaking highly and sharing product enthusiasm and recommendations to individual athletes, competitors, clubs, training partners, and spectators, through personal and online resources. I plan to continue to focus effort on social media (triathlon forums, facebook, twitter, blog).

My schedule is designed to target big national races which will qualify me for national and world championship competitions, while allowing me to spread the word of my personal product sponsorships. If any of my Sponsors have specific races targeted for advertising, whether it be off season run or triathlon races, I would certainly consider racing or attending these events in support.

If you are interested in offering sponsorship, please contact me.

Recovery Drink                                                                      

Muscle Milk is my go to recovery after any kind of workout.

If only Muscle Milk could help me recover after a night at the bar. Oh wait, it DOES!

Race Team                                                                               

PacWest Athletics is the A-Team of Triathlon